Monday, December 28, 2015

All Your Family’s Dental Needs

For many families, the most difficult part of picking a West Hills dentist is finding a dental office that can truly take care of every dental need anyone in the family may have. There are many dental clinics that only offer adult cosmetic dentistry, yet others that simply offer pediatric dental services. This is not the case at Medical Center Dental Care.
In addition to full service general and cosmetic dentistry, we offer pediatric care so that children can go to the same dentist’s office as their parents. We also offer exceptional orthodontia, both with traditional braces and Invisalign treatment. In addition, our team includes expert oral surgeon Dr. Brijesh Patel, who can perform advanced oral surgery and wisdom teeth extraction, and Dr. Harry Malhotra, a renowned endodontist who is unmatched in his ability to minimize discomfort during the root canal procedure.
While the average patient in any given year does not need anywhere near the full suite of services that we offer, they are comforted knowing that whenever they do need a specialty procedure, they will not have to be referred across town to an unfamiliar office.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Important Dental Sub-Specialties

While the person who takes care of patients’ teeth is referred to generally as a dentist, there are a wide variety of dental sub-specialties that pertain to providing different aspects of oral care. In fact, this is one of the things that makes Medical Center Dental Care unique amongst other West Hills dentist offices. While some other offices only practice general dentistry, and refer patients out of office for more advanced procedures, we take pride in our ability to offer sub-specialty services performed by one of our highly-trained experts:
  • Cosmetic Dentistry – While a great number of Los Angeles area dental offices provide cosmetic services, Dr. Christina Dizon has the experience that makes Medical Center Dental Care a go-to location for the very best aesthetic treatments.
  • Orthodontics – For both children and adults, Dr. Yoram Kohanzadeh provides exceptional orthodontia care with both traditional braces and Invisalign.
  • Oral Surgery – Able to perform everything from complex wisdom tooth extraction to reconstructive jaw surgery, Dr. Brijesh Patel is capable of delivering amazing results with minimal post-surgical discomfort.
  • Endodontics – As the dentist that other dentists turn to whenever they need a root canal procedure performed, Dr. Harry Malhotra has a practically unmatched reputation for performing successful endodontic procedures.
Additionally, Dr. Magnolia Becker provides exceptional pediatric care, so anyone looking for a children's dentist in West Hills can rely on Medical Center Dental Care.

Friday, November 6, 2015

What Type of Specialty Toothpastes Are There?

The type of toothpaste you use is important to your overall dental health. Sure, everybody knows about the regular mint flavored toothpaste that’s designed to simply clean your teeth. There are also well known specialty toothpastes that have additional ingredients to fight bad breath or to whiten your teeth. However, there are also toothpastes available to target other dental issues that you might not know about. Here are some of the best types available on the market:
  • Toothpaste for sensitive teeth. If your teeth are so sensitive to the cold that even drinking a glass of water is painful, you might want to invest in this type of toothpaste which targets your tooth’s sensitivity.
  • For mint allergies. Whether you’re allergic to mint or menthol, you can find toothpaste that uses cinnamon or tea tree oil which avoids your allergies. If you have allergies to your toothpaste, ask your West Hills dentist about available options.
  • For dry mouth. If you’re on medication that causes dry mouth, you can fight the side effect with your toothpaste.
  • For canker sores. Some regular toothpastes can be irritants to canker sores, so ask your dentist for specialty toothpaste if you’re prone to canker sores in your mouth.
If you need and adult and children's dentist in West Hills, contact Medical Center Dental Care today. Whether you need advice on toothpastes or regular checkups, we can help.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Most Effective Ways to Keep Your Teeth White

With a set of beautiful pearly white teeth, there’s no challenge you can’t face with self-confidence. Unfortunately, keeping your teeth white can be a challenge. At Medical Center Dental Care, the best place to find a dentist near Woodland Hills, we offer incredible teeth whitening services that can turn your discolored teeth into a set of whites that are sure to stun anybody lucky enough to see you smile. But what do you do after the teeth whitening to ensure that your teeth stay white?
  • Avoid foods and drinks that stain. Coffee and tea are big teeth strainers. Wine and cola too. That doesn’t mean you can never drink any of them, but moderation is key. 
  • No more smoking! Tobacco can turn your teeth yellow or even brown. It also damages the gums, so it’s a big no-no for dental hygiene and health. 
  • Remember to brush! Certain toothpastes are designed to actually whiten your teeth while you clean them.
If you’re looking for a West Hills dentist who cares about your dental health, Medical Center Dental Care is here for you. We have the most talented and friendly team in the industry. Give us a call for all your teeth whitening and other dental needs!

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Do I Really Need to Get Regular Teeth Cleanings?

For a lot of us, going to the dentist is not something we look forward to doing on a regular basis. Many people only go when they have a toothache or when they want cosmetic procedures to brighten their smiles. However, most dentists recommend getting regular teeth cleanings every 3 to 6 months. At Medical Center Dental Care, the top resource for cosmetic dentistry in West Hills, we believe that getting teeth cleaned on a regular basis can save you tons of hassle in the future.
Here are the top reasons why you may think about getting regular teeth cleanings:
  • Saving money: Believe it or not, you actually save money in the long run the more you go the dentist. Regular cleanings are often covered by insurance for low copayments. However, if your dental hygiene isn’t top notch, you could end up spending much more money on fillings, implants, and more.
  • Prevention: Consistent dental cleanings are the best way to ensure that your teeth stay health. Getting rid of plaque at a cleaning can prevent cavities. It can also prevent gum disease, jaw issues, and tooth loss in the long run.
  • Health improvement: Studies show that there’s a connection between oral hygiene and your overall health. Regular cleanings can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.
If you’re looking for a West Hills dentist, Medical Center Dental Care has the top dentists in the field. For regular cleanings or cosmetic procedures, choose the Calabasas dentist you can trust.

Monday, August 10, 2015

The Top Mistakes People Make When Brushing Their Teeth

So, you brush your teeth twice a day, every day. Good job! You’re on the right path to keeping healthy teeth and gums. However, there are a surprising amount of mistakes that people make when brushing their teeth. As the top dentist in West Hills, West Hills Dental Care believes it’s out duty to help you out.

Here are some of the brushing mistakes you might be making:
  • Using too much toothpaste. Believe it or not, it’s possible to have too much of a good thing. If you use more than a pea sized amount of toothpaste, the additional foam might trick you into thinking you got all of your teeth.
  • Brushing too often. If you brush more than three times a day, you could be wearing down your tooth enamel and damaging your gums.
  • Not brushing long enough. At least two minutes is the recommended time for brushing your teeth.
  • Don’t store your toothbrush near the toilet and keep it out of the sink. Your toothbrush might be exposed to the bathroom germs is they’re left out on the counter. A toothbrush cover is a good remedy.

If you’re looking for general or cosmetic dentistry West Hills, West Hills Dental Care has the top dentists in the field. Whether you need a regular cleaning or dental implants in Woodland Hills, don’t hesitate to call us.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Gain a Child, Lose a Tooth?

Have you ever heard the expression “Gain a child, lose a tooth”? Well, it may not be something you hear every day, but as your West Hills dentist, it’s an expression we’ve heard from time to time. And our patients often ask us if there’s any truth to the idea. Here’s the premise: along with many changes a woman’s body undergoes during the pregnancy process, many believe that tooth loss will be one of them, and 20% of women believe they will lose a tooth occurring to a study released in 2005. So is it true or is this just another urban legend?

Maybe not so much. According to multiple studies that have been conducted over the many years a correlation has indeed been found between pregnancy and tooth loss. This is likely due to a woman having lower calcium levels during pregnancy in addition to changes in hormone levels. These factors on their own aren’t enough to cause tooth loss but, for a mother whose dental health may be less than ideal, it can certainly exacerbate certain issues. In the meantime, as an experienced West Hills orthodontist, our recommendation is to keep those checkups dental checkups going during pregnancy. And don’t forget to visit us again when the baby is born. We’re also a leading children's dentist in West Hills!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Variable Cost of the Tooth Fairy

The tradition of the Tooth Fairy is one that runs deep in this country, and as your local Calabasas dentist our team at Medical Center Dental Care certainly believes in making dental care fun. Losing the baby teeth is often a big deal for a child, so there’s no reason not to make the experience worthwhile! Still, it begs the age old question: how much is a good amount for the tooth fairy to leave under the pillow? Apparently, the answer to that question depends on where you live.

According to “The Tooth Fairy Study” the payout varies city by city. In Boston, the average is $5.02. In Chicago it’s $5.85. Los Angeles nears the $10 mark at $9.69. But New York takes the sugar free cake at a whopping $13.25 for a single tooth! We understand that the cost of living is astronomically high in New York City, but we don’t think we’re alone in thinking that’s a little pricey. Whatever rate you decide to go with, remember , it’s your call and yours alone! In the meantime, if you’re kids are in need of topnotch care from an expert dentist in Woodland Hills, you can’t go wrong with Medical Center Dental Care. For a dentist in West Hills Ca and beyond, we’re a top choice!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Quality Dental Care: Your Alternative to Impromptu Treatment

If you’re experiencing a dental issue, you have a couple of options at your disposal. You could search for a Calabasas dentist if you’re in the area, or you could try to handle it yourself! At Medical Center Dental Care, our team definitely thinks you’re better served leaving the hard work to the professionals, and yet we can’t help but be amused by this recent news story of someone taking matters into their own hands. 

You’ve probably heard of the proverbial string/doorknob  method for taking care of a loose tooth, but this daring dad decided to take things one step further by involving his red sports car. In the video currently making the waves on YouTube, “Camaro Dad” hops in his car which has a piece of string tied to it. The occupant of the other end? His child and his child’s tooth. The inevitable happens as the car takes off. The end result: one removed tooth, and one happy child. As a children's dentist in Woodland Hills we, of course, can’t in good faith support this rather unique approach. Your best bet is still to wait for nature to take its course, and if you experience issues to seek a dentist in West Hills. At Medical Center Dental Care, our team is more concerned with the results than the stunt!