Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Truth About Your Toothpaste

The thing about purchasing items in the US is that you never have a shortage of options to choose from. Just take one walk through a grocery store to see what we mean. In no area is this more true than with toothpaste. With entire shelves dedicated to various products that promise different results, finding the one that’s right for you can feel overwhelming. Don’t let it be. As a preferred dentist in Woodland Hills, here at Medical Center Dental Care we have the info you need to make the best choice. 

Here’s a little secret about modern toothpaste: most are completely interchangeable. Unless your dentist has you using a specific kind for specific reasons, it really doesn’t matter which toothpaste you choose with one exception: it should have fluoride in it. Fluoride is the most important ingredient. It restores the enamel, and protects your teeth against acid damage. It can even reverse damage and revitalize areas that have started to decay. As long as your tube has fluoride in it, and most do, your selection is arbitrary and completely up to you.  In the meantime, if you’re in need of West Hills dental care, our experts have your back. From general dentistry to the dental crowns West Hills residents rely on, we’ll make sure your dental needs are met.