Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Variable Cost of the Tooth Fairy

The tradition of the Tooth Fairy is one that runs deep in this country, and as your local Calabasas dentist our team at Medical Center Dental Care certainly believes in making dental care fun. Losing the baby teeth is often a big deal for a child, so there’s no reason not to make the experience worthwhile! Still, it begs the age old question: how much is a good amount for the tooth fairy to leave under the pillow? Apparently, the answer to that question depends on where you live.

According to “The Tooth Fairy Study” the payout varies city by city. In Boston, the average is $5.02. In Chicago it’s $5.85. Los Angeles nears the $10 mark at $9.69. But New York takes the sugar free cake at a whopping $13.25 for a single tooth! We understand that the cost of living is astronomically high in New York City, but we don’t think we’re alone in thinking that’s a little pricey. Whatever rate you decide to go with, remember , it’s your call and yours alone! In the meantime, if you’re kids are in need of topnotch care from an expert dentist in Woodland Hills, you can’t go wrong with Medical Center Dental Care. For a dentist in West Hills Ca and beyond, we’re a top choice!