Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Brushing Your Teeth the Right Way

Brushing your teeth is one of those things that’s so simple; that we all know how to do, it’s easy to take it for granted. As an activity that’s the bane of young children everywhere, the twice daily recommendation to brush is essential for helping to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Still, it’s something that a lot of us do wrong! As a leading dentist in West Hills, we want to help make sure you’re doing it right. Here’s how:

Brush for longer. Two to three minutes. That’s how long a good brushing should take, yet the average is barely a minute. Set a timer if you have to!

Don’t brush so hard! You don’t have to press hard against your teeth and gum line. Doing so may damage your enamel in the long term.

Change your technique. A lot of people use a back and forth motion for brushing, but bushing in small circles is better, and you should also only focus on a few teeth at a time then brush away from the gum line to clear loosened plaque.

These small tips can make a big difference, and once you master you technique don’t hesitate to make an appointment with your friendly dentist in Woodland Hills to complete your care. We’re also a top spot for children's dentistry in West Hills!