Thursday, September 10, 2015

Do I Really Need to Get Regular Teeth Cleanings?

For a lot of us, going to the dentist is not something we look forward to doing on a regular basis. Many people only go when they have a toothache or when they want cosmetic procedures to brighten their smiles. However, most dentists recommend getting regular teeth cleanings every 3 to 6 months. At Medical Center Dental Care, the top resource for cosmetic dentistry in West Hills, we believe that getting teeth cleaned on a regular basis can save you tons of hassle in the future.
Here are the top reasons why you may think about getting regular teeth cleanings:
  • Saving money: Believe it or not, you actually save money in the long run the more you go the dentist. Regular cleanings are often covered by insurance for low copayments. However, if your dental hygiene isn’t top notch, you could end up spending much more money on fillings, implants, and more.
  • Prevention: Consistent dental cleanings are the best way to ensure that your teeth stay health. Getting rid of plaque at a cleaning can prevent cavities. It can also prevent gum disease, jaw issues, and tooth loss in the long run.
  • Health improvement: Studies show that there’s a connection between oral hygiene and your overall health. Regular cleanings can lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.
If you’re looking for a West Hills dentist, Medical Center Dental Care has the top dentists in the field. For regular cleanings or cosmetic procedures, choose the Calabasas dentist you can trust.