Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Quality Dental Care: Your Alternative to Impromptu Treatment

If you’re experiencing a dental issue, you have a couple of options at your disposal. You could search for a Calabasas dentist if you’re in the area, or you could try to handle it yourself! At Medical Center Dental Care, our team definitely thinks you’re better served leaving the hard work to the professionals, and yet we can’t help but be amused by this recent news story of someone taking matters into their own hands. 

You’ve probably heard of the proverbial string/doorknob  method for taking care of a loose tooth, but this daring dad decided to take things one step further by involving his red sports car. In the video currently making the waves on YouTube, “Camaro Dad” hops in his car which has a piece of string tied to it. The occupant of the other end? His child and his child’s tooth. The inevitable happens as the car takes off. The end result: one removed tooth, and one happy child. As a children's dentist in Woodland Hills we, of course, can’t in good faith support this rather unique approach. Your best bet is still to wait for nature to take its course, and if you experience issues to seek a dentist in West Hills. At Medical Center Dental Care, our team is more concerned with the results than the stunt!